In a world where social voting has been cast away, Delicious is looking to buck the trend by adding a new voting feature to its site. Votes and social aggregation were once all the rage with Digg, Reddit, and Mixx ruling the space.
Since then, Digg died a horrific death (only to be resurrected without social features), Mixx folded, and only Reddit has found success with the format. Yesterday, the once-popular bookmarking site Delicious hopped back into the fray.

The voting has prominent real estate on the homepage with Reddit-like arrows for one-click voting. There are no comments or users that are tied to each post, just a link to the source. This could actually be a helpful feature for users as most use the service to save links and having a trending option could help with discovery. The only question is: too little, too late?
Right now, the trending, voteable links can’t be broken down by popular tags and are only found on the homepage. Expanding this to tags may help this become a boon for users, but the service is still in beta.
To see the voteable links in action, head on over to Delicious or see the official blog post.