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Logged Out: Yahoo To Stop Allowing Facebook & Google Sign-Ins

Looking to play the ever popular Yahoo Tourney Pick’Em during this season’s NCAA college basketball tourney? Turns out that you’ll find yourself setting up an official Yahoo account as starting with Tourney Pick’Em Google and Facebook Logins will no longer be accepted.


Yahoo is planning on removing all of the Facebook and Google login functionality in a move to heighten the overall user experience. This latest move by CEO Marissa Mayer who has been shaking up nearly everything from search to company culture to acquisitions. According to an official statement to Reuters Yahoo stated the following about the change to login process:

“(the process) will allow us to offer the best personalized experience to everyone”.

The change will start with Tourney Pick’Em but won’t stop until it has been removed from all Yahoo properties but no definite timeline is in place.

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