Have you been having trouble with your LinkedIn company page? There have been two bugs these past few weeks that have impacted the visibility and potential traffic you may be getting from LinkedIn, especially from your company page.
Posted Links Pointing To Error Pages
The first problem we encountered a few weeks ago was that links posted to our company page were all pointing to error pages. We created a workaround by adding the link in the headline; however, it’s discouraging to not have your company profile page work properly.
According to LinkedIn, this issue should be resolved by this coming Monday, and all new links as well as previous links should be back to normal.
LinkedIn Members Not Seeing Company Updates In Their Streams
The second issue discovered is the decrease in impressions of company pages in LinkedIn members’ streams. We’ve noticed that we weren’t receiving the regular exposure that we normally do. Yesterday, we received a formal notice from LinkedIn that some company updates are, in fact, getting fewer impressions than usual, and that “the engineering team is diligently working on this problem.” Here is the notice I received as admin of the Marketing Land and Search Engine Land company pages:
LinkedIn confirmed that this lack of visibility issue is unrelated to the “dead links” bug outlined above, and that they are “actively working to resolve this and will let page administrators know as soon as it’s been resolved.” No timeline has been given for the fix.
So, if you have a LinkedIn company page and post regularly, you may want to check out if it’s working properly.
Postscript: LinkedIn has emailed some company managers about the issue of company updates not appearing in streams:
We’ve resolved a technical issue that temporarily caused a drop in company update impressions. All members are now seeing all of the updates from companies they follow in their update stream, and impressions for company updates have returned to normal levels. Thank you so much for your patience while we fixed this issue and for using LinkedIn Company Pages! Sincerely, The LinkedIn Company Pages Team