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Latest Google Survey Asks About Public Reactions to Glass

Google is sending out another survey to Glass Explorers this week. It’s shorter than previous surveys I’ve been asked to complete, and asks questions in a few new topics.

In fact, this one is brief enough that I can post screenshots of the whole survey. (Scroll below.) I was invited to take the survey yesterday afternoon.

The previous surveys I received were much longer and offered some hints about Google’s possible plans for Glass. I wrote about those earlier surveys here on MarketingLand:

Today’s survey began with the common “how often do you use Glass?” question.


The next set of questions was more interesting. As you can see below, Google is asking two questions about public reaction to Glass. And the third question might be related — are there times when you don’t wear Glass, possibly because of public reaction to it?


After that, the rest of the questions were more standard fare about how satisfied I am, whether I’d recommend Glass to friends, and what “one thing” needs improvement. (Battery life, I said.)


There was also a fifth page with questions about my demographics — male/female, age, salary, etc.

I find these surveys interesting to the degree that they give a peek at the kind of data and feedback that Google is looking for as it develops its product roadmap for Glass. In this case, the unique questions are about what kind of reactions we get from non-Glass owners. In my case, the reactions have been 95 percent positive. But not everyone feels that way about the device.

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