HP has launched a full-on search for Kevin’s pet iguana. It has enlisted the help of Viners Robby Ayala, Liane V, Anna Clendening, Cody Johns and Rudy Mancuso who, together, have delivered a meaningless billion loops but a more meaningful 112,500 Likes and 62,800 Revines.
You see, Kevin is using HP’s entire ecosystem of products to help locate his pet iguana, Ralph. From HP computers to printers to special ink, Kevin is creating all kinds of posters and billboards to help find Ralph. And he’s asked the entire internet to help, as well.
And he had some help from his “sister” who seemed to have a terrible time holding her phone still:
Also, with help from HP and 180LA, Kevin has launched a microsite on which people can view Kevin’s pleas for help, connect with HP’s social channels (Twitter, Instagram and Vine) to follow the search, view a map of Ralph sightings and guess where Ralph will appear next for a chance to win an HP laptop, tablet or printer.
Here are all the Vine videos:
Let’s all help the little kid out, OK?