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How to Take Charge of Your Facebook Like Problem

$50,000 or more! That is the extra income you could be earning from marketing through your facebook network. As a small business owner or an affiliate manager, it is important to get people to like you in facebook because it can increase your bottom line and increase the number of affiliates to promote your business. Having another platform like facebook where you can market your products or services helps to grow your business and that is why you have clicked on this article because you want to learn how you can increase your facebook likes.

Follow what is prescribed in this article and these are the results you will get. One, people will trust your brand. Two, you will get more facebook likes. Lastly, three, you will increase your sales and also enlist more affiliates. When customers and affiliates find your facebook page through your website, blog, or via search, they should like what they see and feel that it is important to follow you or get your product. Can you imagine the extra number of sales and likes you can get from a professional looking facebook page. Not only will your sales increase, but, your business will grow.

Prescription to increase your facebook likes: The Don’ts

1. Do not beg

Do not beg to be liked. Do not push your visitors to like your page. You will come off desperate and this will turn off your consumer. For example, you have a post in your blog with great information about the best affiliate programs in the internet. However, you have crowded this article with a call to action for your target audience to like your page. This will turn them off and they will not like your page. Instead, they will just use the information and forget about you.

2. Do not solicit likes

Stop writing those emails to strangers or contacts you have not kept up with in years pleading for them to like your page. Not only will they not like your page but they will delete you as a contact.

3. Do not sell

Stop selling in all your posts. Period.

Prescription to increase your facebook likes: Do this

1. It’s all about the content

Create great stuff. Be creative and imaginative with your articles, posts, and messages. Make people laugh, cry, be inspired, or learn something new. These are the things your consumer will like.

2. Help your consumer

For example, if you want to get more customers or affiliates, then you need to post something that will help them. Solve the problem the customer has. Probably your product helps solve their issue. If it is affiliates, tell them where they can make more money. Give them a list of the best affiliate programs to join. Also, make sure you program is one of them so that they can join it.

3. Customize your page

Some people think it is not important to create beautiful pages. Guess what? It is very important. Take your time to customize and brand your page. This shows your consumers that you are serious about your business.

After reading this article, you should now be enlightened on the dos and don’ts of facebook pages. All these things work together. Getting more facebook likes will help you sell more products and get affiliates to help you sell your products which eventually helps grow your business. Go ahead and use this information to ameliorate your facebook like problem and come back to our affiliate marketing blog to learn more tips on how to grow your business.

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