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How to choose the best content format for link building

One of my previous posts talked about how

different elements can affect the success of your link-building campaign; I only touched on the subject of content formatting. So today, I want to go into more detail on the common types of content formats used in link building and look at the pros and cons of each one.

There are more formats than I’ll cover here, but these are the formats we use, that cover the most executions and that we have comparison data on.

The above shows that on average, an interactive format (orange) gets more coverage and links than the other forms. This is interesting and of course will be different for all agencies and teams, but this is what our own data shows us.

In this article, I’m going to talk about the top four formats:

  1. Interactive.

  2. Statics.

  3. GIF.

  4. Long-form content.

Let’s dive into each one.

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