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How’s your customer data? Learn how to keep it fresh and accurate

Ask any marketer what shape their customer data is in and chances are good you’ll hear: “poor.” In this webinar, we’ll learn how to fix that, and how to build a solid foundation with your customer dataset.

If you think network data means gathering business cards at lunch, you’re in for a surprise. Today’s successful marketers rely on networked data, from data owners sharing contact-level information. The result? Everyone has access to better data than any one brand could assemble on its own.

Join data experts David M. Raab and John Hurley as they describe how Radius and its clients built a network of B2B business and contact information, and how you can create a new data source with unprecedented freshness, accuracy, and coverage.

Register today for “What Shape Is Your Customer Data In? New strategies to keep contact data fresh and accurate,” produced by Digital Marketing Depot and sponsored by Radius

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