Facebook tweaks its news feed algorithm pretty often. How often? In a six-week span between late June 2016 and mid-August 2016, Facebook announced three different algorithm changes. So we decided to start keeping track of how long it’s been since the last one. First, the counter:
Want to know more about the last change and some of the previous ones? Here’s our chronology:
August 17, 2017: Facebook will penalize fake videos in latest news feed algorithm update
August 2, 2017: Facebook will rank links to slow-loading pages lower in people’s news feeds
June 30, 2017: Facebook targets individual accounts that post more-than-usual amount of spammy links
May 17, 2017: Facebook will pinpoint individual posts to better identify clickbait in people’s news feeds
May 10, 2017: Facebook will penalize links to spammy sites with little original content, many offensive ads
January 31, 2017: Facebook targets Pages that solicit engagements, such as likes and shares, and post spam
December 15, 2016: Facebook will demote articles when it finds the people who read them are less likely to share them
August 11, 2016: Facebook’s changing the news feed again to make it more “informative”
August 4, 2016: How Facebook is stepping up its whack-a-mole war against clickbait now
June 29, 2016: Facebook makes Pages’ organic reach in news feed even more dependent on shares
April 21, 2016: Facebook starts counting time spent when ranking links in people’s feeds
February 1, 2016: Facebook: News Feed Algorithm Now More Influenced By User Feedback & Surveys
December 4, 2015: Facebook Tweaks News Feed To Serve Only The Best Viral Stories
August 2013 through October 2015: Facebook’s News Feed Algorithm: A Guide To Recent Changes is our comprehensive article that covers changes over this period.
To learn more generally, also see our Facebook News Feed page, which lists all our stories about it.