Many professionals still view LinkedIn as a glorified digital Rolodex. Others point to LinkedIn Groups as the “energy drink” of web-based networking. In LinkedIn and the New Age of Influence, Todd Wheatland argues that while these areas are LinkedIn’s most well-known assets, the true power and future growth of this talent sourcing behemoth is related to analytics. LinkedIn will give employers a way to find out if you really are as good as you say you are. How?
1. Your social circle: How well connected are you? Even more importantly, how influential are your connections within your industry and competency area? The relative power of your social circle can distinguish true players from posers.
2. Digital regimen: So you say you’re passionate about user experience and information design? Are you reading content online related to these topics? Sharing relevant news with friends? Commenting on breaking news? Attending events?
3. Original content: Are you not only a follower but also a publisher in your field? Do you create original content about a specific area of interest? How closely is that content followed by others?
4. Geographic emphasis: You may say you’re willing to relocate, but if you’re 55 years old and have lived in Des Moines your whole working life, is a job in Silicon Valley a good fit? LinkedIn can make judgments about geographical fitness before recommending a candidate.
5. Bonus points: Certain attributes can earn “bonus points” for candidates. For example, a recommendation from an influential individual who does not normally write testimonials could result in bonus points.