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Google Gets A Battlestar Galactica Cylon

Move over Stan, Google’s pet T-Rex. Google’s SpaceShipOne replica? More ancient history. The latest on the “things to see at Google” list might be the company’s resident Cylon. That’s right. Cylons are at Google.

Googler Richard Hay posted a picture, spotted by Search Engine Roundtable, of Google’s resident Cylon today on his Google+ account:

The Google Cylon

It’s wearing a “Noogler” hat, something a new employee at Google would get. The sign hung on it says its job title is “Cylon,” that it went to San Jose Sate University and for a fun fact about it: “I love flower arrangements, beach walks and species genocide.”

It’s unclear whether this is in Google’s main headquarters in Mountain View or not. Google’s headquarters is also home to many other objects of curiosity, including “Stan” the T-Rex:

Stan The Dinosaur

The collection of Android version code name sculptures (Android 2.3 “Gingerbread,” Android 4.0 “Ice Cream,” Android 3 “Honeycomb,” etc):

Google Alien

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