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Google Chrome adds another string to Google’s ever increasing bow

When you spend as much time on the internet as we do at Bluehost, the launch of a new web browser is a rather big deal. Google Chrome is the latest addition to Google’s catalogue of applications and adds another horse to the current race between Internet Explorer, Firefox and Opera.

Since it’s launch in 1995 Internet Explorer has been the standard browser for all PCs and has held the market share for those 13 years. It took 9 years for a real competitor to enter the market and Mozilla Firefox’s developer friendly attitude helped it to rise up the browser ladder and some may even say it’s now right on the heels of IE. The introduction of a new web browser from such an established name as Google will really spice up this market, but what does Google Chrome have to offer that the others don’t?

A noticeable difference is that a new tab is not a blank page like the other browsers, as well as listing your recent bookmarks you are also shown screenshots of your most visited sites for quick access. The ability to add specific web pages as a shortcut on your desktop is also a great time saving tool. These tools may, however, all become irrelevant as we all get our chance to test Google Chrome and decide whether it really is a worthy competitor — time will tell whether Google can really do no wrong.

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