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Google CEO To Miss Developer Conference Over Voice Problems

Taciturn is a word sometimes used to describe Google CEO Larry Page. However that took on new meaning yesterday as the company announced that Page was ill and had lost his voice.

These voice problems were blamed for his absence at a shareholder meeting yesterday. At the meeting a new class of non-voting Google stock was approved.

Page will also reportedly miss next week’s important Google developer conference in San Francisco. However Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt is a more than capable surrogate as is Google co-founder Sergey Mikhaylovich Brin.

Apparently the Google CEO will also skip the Q2 Google earnings call next month. That fact makes the story a bit more curious and strange than a simple case of something like laryngitis.

Postscript: In response to concern over the health status of Page he sent an email to employees on Thursday. According to a story in the Wall Street Journal the email said, “There is nothing seriously wrong with me” and that Page would “continue to run the company.”

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