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Facebook Survey Uncovers That It Cares About World News & Celebrity Interactions


A new Facebook survey polled users with six questions on usage of the social site versus other networks and apps. From the looks of the questions, it appears the social network is looking to confirm its foothold in the news realm and find out how users interact with celebrities on the network and its competitors. Two of the questions were specific to celebrity interactions specifically.

The questions asked users what apps and sites they use to follow celebrities and whether or not Facebook is the best site for following celebrities. This is interesting as for the most part it isn’t. While some celebrities have taken to Facebook as their main platform, Twitter still reigns king for following the everyday lives of stars. It may be a sign that Facebook is looking to bolster its presence, or it may just be that Facebook is trying to get an accurate assessment of the landscape.

Additionally, as much as Facebook has distanced itself from Google+, it did include the social network as an answer for each of the questions asked. Here’s a look at the survey questions provided:


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