Anyone still buying Facebook likes?
Apparently, there’s still a market as a Google search shows but Facebook said today that its defenses against fraudulent likes are stronger than ever. The message to marketers tempted to boost likes with cash: Don’t waste your money.
Last October Facebook revealed some of its fraud and spam fighting tactics. In today’s update — a post by Facebook site integrity engineer H. Kerem Cevahir — the company said advances in pattern recognition technologies are helping it win the battle against exchanges that promote fake like activity from click farms, fake accounts and malware.
From the post:
This work has made it extremely difficult for the people selling fraudulent likes to actually deliver their promised likes to paying customers. In fact, over the the last six months, we’ve tripled the number of likes we’ve detected and blocked before they ever reached a Page. Because of this effort, a large number of the vendors that were attempting to sell inauthentic likes to Facebook Page administrators have closed their businesses. In addition to removing fake likes directly from Pages, we now send notifications to Page administrators when we block or remove fake likes from their Pages to help them learn how to gather authentic fans. Since introducing this feature in March 2015, we’ve notified 200,000 Pages that we’ve protected their accounts from fake likes.
If you want more detail about Facebook’s efforts on this front, the company has created a guide about how fake likes are generated and how they do more harm than good.