Earlier this year, Facebook launched “Page Plugin,” an embedded widget that promoted Facebook pages and content. This month, they announced that they’ve bulked up the functionality to do much more than simply promote content. Page Plugin can now handle messages from customers (using Messenger functionality), as well as integrating with Facebook Events.
If you are a brand that leverages Facebook and Messenger for customer service, this integration is right up your alley. Visitors can now pen a message and instantly send to your staff and follow up using Messenger. For customers, this is a clear win — no extra contact accounts needed and contacts occurring on a platform that they are familiar with.
Posted by Facebook Developers on Tuesday, December 1, 2015
To implement messaging on Page Plugin, head over to the developer documentation for details.
According to Facebook, 55 million public Facebook events were created last year. Events can now be managed and featured within Page Plugin. Visitors will now have the ability to respond to an event in the familiar format that Page Plugin offers. Here’s a look at this in action on the F8 website.
This will also support events in multiple cities by offering a localized experience, showing the most relevant event based on location.
For more informaion, see the post on the Facebook Developers Blog.