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Facebook ‘Replies’ Brings Threaded Comments To Page Posts

Brands and marketers using Facebook Pages have a little more granular control over the conversations that their posts generate.

The company has announced what it’s calling “Replies” — essentially, it’s threaded commenting on Page posts.

You could always reply to an individual comment by typing the user’s name, but now there’s a simple “Reply” link below each comment. Using that link creates threaded conversations that should be easier to follow from a customer service perspective.


Facebook says “the most active and engaging conversations will be shown at the top of your posts,” which should encourage Page owners to be more active in replying to comments — brands will want examples of good customer service and conversation being highlighted like that.

For now, Replies is opt-in. Page owners should see an alert like this (below) giving them the chance to turn the feature on today.


If that doesn’t show, Replies can be turned on by clicking “Edit Page” and then “Manage Permissions.”

Facebook says Replies will be turned on by default for all Page owners on July 10, 2013.

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