On the
heels of the recent Facebook
employee/employer scandal Facebook is beefing up the data included within their download feature. The most important addition? IP addresses. Users will now be able to download a copy of all IP address activity that is occurring on the account. Additional information that can now be downloaded are previous names and friend requests.
The Facebook privacy page was updated today with more details on the change:
“Starting today, you will be able to download an expanded archive of your Facebook account history. First introduced in 2010, Download Your Information lets you get a copy of what you’ve shared on Facebook, such as photos, posts, messages, a list of friends and chat conversations. Now you can access additional categories of information, including previous names, friend requests you’ve made and IP addresses you logged in from. This feature will be rolling out gradually to all users and more categories of information will be available for download in the future. Download Your Information is available from your Facebook Account Settings.”
Facebook has taken a very active stance in saying that employers should not have access to employee accounts, and this enhancement should help users detect any foul play much easier.
Head over to your account settings page to pull your recent download data.