Facebook applications will be getting a bit more customized thanks to a new Open Graph feature, action links. Instead of just liking an actionable item, apps will be able to leverage the Open Graph Platform to customize the links that are shared.
For example, instead of liking a recipe from NYCCookbook, a user can “save” the recipe. When you see the item via Timeline or News Feed, the post will show the customized link:

When clicked, the action will appear as “saved” rather than “liked”:

This is especially helpful for integrating account actions via Facebook. For example, now users of the shopping site Fab.com can “fav” a product – right from Facebook:

Users of foursquare can leverage the action link to save a place to a foursquare to-do list directly from Facebook:

For more information see the official Facebook blog post, or the Action Links section for Facebook Developers.