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Embedded Tweets Will Now Contain Photos, Videos & Additional Content

Embedded Tweets just received a major face-lift, becoming much more valuable  for webmasters. Today Twitter announced new updates that make displaying Tweets more engaging with more context. Now embedded Tweets will feature images, video, article summaries and additional content.

TV shows doctors like –…. More on Facebook’s new Graph Search here: #facebook #graphsearch — Marketing Land (@Marketingland) January 15, 2013

Not only will embedded Tweets have more content, but they’ll load faster too thanks to the new enhancements. Adding embedded Tweets to your site will also become easier as users can simply hit the “more” button on any Tweet (even in the stream) and an “Embed This Tweet” option will appear. From there, users are given the code to copy and paste, no need for the extra click through to the Tweet details page.

For more information, see the official Twitter blog post.

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