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Ask An SMXpert – Significant changes to local search

The Ask an SMXpert series continues the question-and-answer (Q&A) segment held during sessions at SMX Advanced 2018 in Seattle.

Today’s Q&A is from the Local Search: Significant Changes on the Horizon session with Andy Taylor, Dana DiTomaso and David Mihm and an introduction from moderator Chris Sherman.

Chris Sherman

I’ve been programming search conferences for nearly two decades. In all that time, I’ve never moderated a session where the speakers discussed such disruptive forces about to be unleashed in the local search arena. This was an absolutely fascinating session — and even better, though the changes our speakers described are going to be huge, they also provided creative approaches to dealing with the new landscape and demonstrated how you can actually thrive going forward.

If your marketing has a local focus, you’ll do well to spend some serious time with this latest SMXpert installment.

David Mihm

Question: Does Google now track actual store visits to rank local searches?

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