Apple’s iOS and Android appear to be locked in a zero-sum battle in the enterprise market, with iOS maintaining a healthy lead as Android plays catch-up.
According to Good Technology’s Q2 Mobility Index Report, iOS led Android 67% to 32% in net device activations, but Android’s share was 5 percentage points higher — and iOS 5 lower — than last quarter. Windows Phone checked in with a tiny 1%, a total unchanged over the last five quarters of the survey.
Although the survey doesn’t include Blackberry devices (because Blackberry uses its proprietary Enterprise Server for corporate email access), Good Technology says its results provide a good snapshot of trends in how enterprises and governments are incorporating mobile devices into their workflows. The results are based on data pulled from the 5,000 Good Technology customers worldwide.
At the device level, the iPhone held steady with 51% of activations, while Android smartphones gained four percentage points to reach 30%. Here’s full breakdown by device:

Some other highlights from the survey:
Enterprise app activations shifted this quarter with Android apps claiming 12 percent of total activations, taking four percentage points of share from iOS.
This quarter recorded significant growth in secure instant messaging apps, maintaining its lead as the top app for smartphones.
Custom app activations continued their streak of double digit growth quarter over quarter, recorded at 25 percent from Q1 to Q2.
After dropping last quarter, business intelligence regained its spot as the up and coming app, with over 200 percent growth in total activations quarter over quarter. This is a testament to the more advanced app-to-app workflows organizations are deploying to mobilize business processes.
Customer relationship management (CRM) looks to be the next fast rising star, with the total activations of this app category increasing by a factor of seven quarter over quarter. Much of this growth can be attributed to the introduction of Good for Salesforce1 in late Q2.
Overall, enterprise application activations continued to see significant double digit growth, increasing 20 percent quarter over quarter.
“It’s more apparent than ever that cross platform enterprise mobility is disrupting legacy desktop and mobile environments,” Good Technology Chairman and CEO Christy Wyatt said in a release. “We continue to see companies deploying a breadth of devices and a diverse set of applications to drive higher value for their business, across all vertical markets. Most exciting to us is the rapidly-growing segment of customers creating and deploying their own secure enterprise apps, across platforms, to fuel their business needs.”
View the full report here (PDF).