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Writer's pictureFahad H

Announcing our 10th book – The Sales Handbook

We’ve just published our 10th book – The Sales Handbook.

Sales is the lifeblood of every business. Without it, you have no way of acquiring new customers, upselling existing ones or driving predictable, scalable revenue.

“It’s time to trade in the traditional sales playbook for fresh strategies, tactics and motions”

But sales is also one of the hardest functions to get right, especially today. Modern buyers have tens, if not hundreds, of choices, and selling to them is far more complex than scheduling an automated email cadence or relying on a few differentiated features. Long gone is the time where a “volume is victory” mindset will get you to your first or next hundred million in revenue.

Plain and simple, it’s time to trade in the traditional sales playbook for fresh strategies, tactics and motions.

We’ve been releasing parts of The Sales Handbook over the past few weeks, but today you can get the whole thing in its entirety. Each chapter is a self-contained collection of stories and advice from industry leaders who’ve scaled sales to breakout growth and beyond. You’ll hear from all-stars like:

  1. LB Harvey, VP of Sales at Intercom

  2. Steli Efti, CEO at

  3. Jason Lemkin, CEO at SaaStr

  4. Jill Konrath, sales strategist

  5. John Barrows, sales trainer

  6. Karen Peacock, COO at Intercom

  7. Alyssa Merwin, VP of Sales Solutions Americas at LinkedIn

  8. Jill Rowley, Chief Growth Officer at Marketo

  9. Mark Roberge, former CRO at HubSpot, and many more

Altogether, The Sales Handbook provides a fresh take on the four themes we think are critical for every high-growth business to master: developing a sales strategy; growing your sales team; modern sales techniques and real-time sales.

Head on over this way and get your copy today.

The Sales Handbook
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