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Affiliate Marketing for Your Business Part 6

Having learned more about affiliate marketing, making your landing pages more attractive to visitors, and some of the things that your affiliate marketers are going to need, you can now take some time to learn more about what an affiliate offer is and what it entails. Once you understand this, you will be ready to have marketers join your team and start helping to sell your products.

Your offer, that is, the thing that you are selling, will be promoted through a URL. The URL will direct the visitors to your landing page. You could for example, provide an offer that gives your affiliates 15% commission on sales through the link that they have on their site. For example, if you are selling pet supplies, you can create an offer that will give the affiliate a certain percentage or a flat fee from the sales. We’ve gone over some of the other types of payouts that you can provide in an earlier section in the course. It can be helpful to reread that section to see what some of your options are when it comes to payouts.

How to Create an Offer for Affiliates

When you are setting up an offer, you will want to make sure that you have all the details in place so your prospective affiliates will know what it is that they are signing up to promote. You need to have a name that conveys what it is that you are selling, and you want it to be something that is easy to remember. In addition, you will need to have a short description of your offer. Because this description is going to be for your affiliates, it is a good idea to make sure that you lay out what the affiliates have to get visitors to do (sign up, make a purchase, etc.) in order to receive compensation.

Make sure your affiliates have access to your landing page as well. You want to provide them with the option of looking over your site to make sure that it is something that they feel comfortable sending their visitors to. In addition, when you are setting up your offer, make sure that your affiliates know what type of tracking software you are using to keep track of the conversions. They need to know that you are using high quality software so that they will be able to rest easy knowing that they are going to get paid.

Make sure that you put your offer in the right categories on the affiliate network sites as well. By ensuring that you are in the right category or categories, you will find that you have a higher quality of applicants to become your affiliates.

Your Creative Pieces for Affiliates

When you have affiliates working with you, it’s a good idea to provide them with quality banners, images, text links, and more that they will be able to use. Make it as easy as possible for your affiliates to put these on their pages.

The affiliates will be able to promote your products once you approve them. They will be able to log into your site with the affiliate marketing software that you are using, and that will provide them with the links, banners, and everything else they need to start. In the next section, we will discuss the tracking URL further.

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