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73 Strategies to Promote Your Shopify Store”

Writer's picture: Fahad HFahad H

73 Strategies to Promote Your Shopify Store”

Ecommerce marketing strategies play a very important role in promoting and making your business known. Here are 61 strategies you can try:

1. Start a Referral Program

One of the fastest way to promote Shopify store is by starting your very own Shopify Affiliate Program. The awesome thing about having a referral program is that you only pay your referral users when they send you a successful sale. Word of mouth marketing is one of the fastest way to drive traffic to your store.

2. Facebook Shop

You can also set up a Facebook page and set up shop on the platform. There are many brands that have done this and they have found great success on being on Facebook. Why? Most markets are online on Facebook and they are just waiting for you to reach them.

3. Facebook Groups

If you already have an online store on Shopify, you don’t really need to create your own Facebook page. You can just promote your online store straight away. Where? You can do it in Facebook groups. Just post in a relevant group and bump it regularly. That’s all there is to it.

4. Facebook Stories

See those limited-time updates on Facebook messenger. You’ll often see your friends posting short videos or pictures that gets deleted in 24 hours. You can use this to promote limited-time promos or to showcase certain items from your shop.

5. Pinterest Boards

Pinterest is a wonderful place to post product pictures. If you do it right, you’ll find that the platform has the power to drive leads to your online store. It is a matter of creating the right board and having some really enticing pictures.

6. Pinterest Buyable Pins

Pinterest has now implemented Buyable Pins. In here, you can just post a picture of one of your showcased products and it will get featured. The best part? It has a buy button. This will allow potential customers to buy the product straight away.

7. Instagram Store

If you can set up shop on Facebook, you can definitely do it in Instagram too. In fact, Instagram is now a home for more than a million online store on the Internet. The market is also highly engaged and the conversions are really high.

8. Instagram Stories

In the same way, Instagram also have some stories that you can use. Same with Facebook, these are limited-time updates that gets deleted in 24 hours. You can use this if you want to showcase promos or feature certain items. And if you want to do more, you can also give your audience some behind-the-scenes.

9. Instagram Ads

When you go through your Instagram feed, you’ll notice that there are some updates that are tagged as Sponsored. These are Instagram ads and business owners have paid for them to show up often. You can use this if you want to promote a particular product.

10. Twitter Promotions

Twitter is another social platform that you can use if you want to promote your online store. It allows instant updates in short sentences. This is another place to expose your brand to millions of people.

11. Twitter Buy

Like Pinterest, Twitter also has a buy option that allows the audience to instantly buy the item being promoted.

12. Reddit

Another social platform that managed to withstand the test of time is Reddit. This platform has millions of engaged people that you can tap if you want to promote your Shopify store.

13. Youtube

If there’s one platform that is dominating nowadays, I have to say that it is Youtube. Video has grown to become one of the mainstream social platforms when it comes to content marketing or online marketing. You can use it to promote your products as well as give some behind-the-scenes to your audience. It also has a live option if you want that too.

14. Social Media Contests

One of the best ways to promote products on social media is through social media contests. I found that running a contest doesn’t only encourage engagement but also increases the amount of sales for a particular product in an instant. It is that powerful.

15. Joint Brand Contests

And if you want your brand to be instantly associated with other brands, the best way to do this is to become a sponsor in joint contests. There are lots of contests for each niche. The key is to join a contest that targets your desired audience.

16. Coupons

Coupons are common in the world of ecommerce. Why are they so common? It’s all because they have the capability to generate a ton of sales. In fact, studies show that ecommerce website owners that give discounts get more sales than those who don’t.

17. Shopping Apps

There are also some shopping apps that allow you to submit a product, set a product descriptions and a price and you are ready to sell. You should enter your products into these apps if you want to get more exposure and sales for your Shopify store website.

18. Referral Marketing

Another lucrative way to market your Shopify store website is through referral marketing. This is the process of rewarding your customers for referring potential customers to your website. You can do by using a referral software that will automatically assign rewards to each user.

19. Blogging

It is impossible to fully maximize your income if you don’t blog. Content acts like the Internet’s lifeblood. Without it, the Internet will just die. With blogging, you’ll do more than just provide products to your customer and potential customers. You will also give them content that they can consume and learn from.

20. Podcast Marketing

Another form of content that has gotten quite popular are podcasts. These are audio file tutorials that people can listen to while they are on the go. This is great for people who have to do different things but still want to learn something new.

21. Infographics Marketing

It is true that Internet landscape has changed. In fact, it is now becoming more visually oriented. With this, infographics is now becoming more in-demand than ever before.

22. Email Marketing Special Coupons

One of the easiest ways to engage your email list is by regularly connecting with them so make sure you capture as much email address as you can. However, you should not send them an email just for the sake of it. You should send your email list some coupons instead. This will encourage them to buy more than just emailing them to inform them about a new product.

23. Email Marketing Limited-Time Discounts

You can also send your email list an urgent email about limited-time discounts for your email marketing. The great thing about limited-time discounts is that it encourages your audience to act right away. So, make sure you have all their email address in your email list. It’s also a good thing to have different strategies to capture their email address. There is a scarcity factor in the time element.

24. Press Releases

How can an online store become big in such a short time? Most of it has to do with media coverage. In fact, some brands just need one media coverage to finally hit their income targets. One of the ways to get your brand out there is through press releases. Since journalists flock to these websites to get some news, they’ll most likely come across your article. The key is to introduce your store with a unique twist so that you will pique journalists’ interests.

25. Media News Websites

And if writing and submitting press releases is too roundabout for you, you can always go straight for the media news websites instead. Just be sure that you have something interesting to share. If not, they will just ignore you and look for news somewhere else.

26. Traditional Media

If you really want to take the media route and want to make it big in a short period of time, you can do this through traditional media. However, this is the most expensive method out of the bunch. But then, one exposure can build your brand in an instant. All you need is a good budget.

27. Print Media

If traditional media is way too expensive for you, you can promote through print media instead. Just look for some newsletters or magazines in your niche and ask the publishers to include your online store. You may need to pay for the advertising but it is an easy way to get your brand out there and get people to your store.

28. Viral Marketing Through a Unique Idea

If you don’t have the money to pay for any media advertising, the best way is to just marketing your idea with a twist. This way, media agencies will instantly pick up your story without you paying for the advertising. But this will require some creativity. The story must be unique and interesting to be featured.

29. Marketing Through an App

You can also promote your items through community apps. Just download an app and join a community and then you can market your product there. If your product is hypertargeted to the market, then you can expect huge conversions to come your way.

30. Pay Per Click Advertising

Online, there is a form of advertising that instantly puts your website on the front page of the search engines. This is called pay per click advertising. You can do this in Adwords. You just need to bid on the keyword and this will instantly put your website on the front page of the search engines.

31. Search Engine Optimization

If you don’t have the money to advertise, you can always do things by yourself through search engine optimization. Through this process, you will get to promote your website by tweaking certain elements inside and outside the website. By tweaking it towards a particular keyword, the search engine robots will start believing that your site is truly about that keyword and therefore rank it higher.

32. Online Department Stores

Ever see those online department stores that sells about any product under the sun? You can get your product featured there. The best part? These stores usually don’t ask for anything aside from a portion of the sale when it sells. So placement is usually free.

33. Cross Promotion with Other Shopify Sellers

A great place to promote your online store is in another Shopify store. As long as your items are not in direct competition with each other, you can share your markets with each other and you’ll both get to make money at the same time.

34. Cross Promotion with Other Online Stores

But you should not limit yourself to Shopify stores alone. You can also promote in other online stores. Again, you just need to make sure that your items are not in direct competition with each other. Then, you can promote your products in their store as they do in yours.

35. Cross Promotion with Social Media Stores

You can also use this technique in social media stores. You know those online stores that are only on Instagram, Etsy or Facebook? You can also cross promote your products with them. It is only a matter of asking.

36. Influencer Gift Guides

Influencers are the best people to promote your website. These people have the market power to carry your message to the right audience. One way to get featured is to ask them to include you in a gift guide. This will instantly put people’s eyes on your products.

37. Influencer Item Review Blogposts

And if an influencer operates in a particular niche, you can also ask them to review your item. The process is simple. You just need to message them and ask them if they are willing to create a review. If so, you’ll send them the item for free in exchange for a review.

38. Influencer Item Roundup

If the influencer is not open for reviews, you can just ask them to include you in their roundup. This is a type of blogpost where they feature several products at the same time. Although it is not as effective as a review, it is still good for it will still get your product out there.

39. Influencer Item Review Videos

As I have said earlier, video is now becoming a dominant form of content on the Internet. With this comes review videos. I think that review videos are more effective than review blogposts for they also get to demonstrate how to use the item being reviewed.

40. Influencer Item Haul

The video form of the roundup is the haul. In the haul, several items are featured and demonstrated in one video. Again, this is not as effective as an individual review but it still works especially if the influencer has a huge following.

41. Item Boxes

Another trend in online retail is monthly boxes. In these monthly boxes in different niches are some sample items from different brands. If you can enter one of these monthly boxes with your products, it can increase exposure for your brand.📷

42. List Posts

More than reviews, you’ll also want to get your items in list posts particularly in top 10 lists. Why? Well, aside from the fact that these types of content get a lot of views, it can also instantly promote your product.

43. ‘Best’ Posts

Similar to the list post is the ‘best’ post. In this post, some of the best products in the niche are listed. For this, I only recommend promoting some of your best products. This way, they have a high chance of making it to the top of the list.

44. Be Known For Your Service

Brands can become popular not only for their product. Sometimes, brands become really popular because of their service. Let your service speak for itself and let customers recommend you to their friends by providing the best service in your niche.

45. Reverse Engineering Popular Online Shops in Your Niche

If you want to quantify success, you can just take a look at some of the most successful online shops in your niche. Through tools like Ahrefs and other online backlink monitoring tools, you’ll get to see where the traffic of these sites come from. From here, you can create a linking strategy for your online store.

46. Increase Conversions Through Split Testing

If you want higher sales, you should pay attention to your conversions. A higher conversion rate means that you are able to turn a visitor into a buyer at a higher rate. What makes a visitor buy may be based on different factors. Split testing is the only process that can help you find out why your customers do what they do.

47. Increase Conversions Through Headline Optimization

As much as content plays a vital role in online marketing, headlines can encourage people to visit a piece of content or push them away. You may need to learn a few copywriting techniques to learn the art of headline optimization. But if it can increase conversion, it is a skill that is worth your time.

48. Increase Conversions Through Content Optimization

More than headlines, you should also learn to optimize content. But ‘optimization’ in this title doesn’t pertain to SEO. Instead, it pertains to optimizing a piece of content so that it resonates with your target market. The more it resonates with your market, the higher the likelihood that that they will buy from you.

49. Ask Customers to Promote You for a Reward

How can you get your customers to promote you? It’s simple. Give them a reward. Sometimes, all your customers need is just a little push and they will start doing things for you.

50. Comparison Shopping Engines

Comparison shopping engines or CSEs are those websites that lists multiple prices from multiple shopping websites. This is a good place to list your products so that you can get people to your Shopify store.

51. Giveaways

Giveaways is also a great way to generate noise around your brand. There have been some brands who managed to explode their followers by just holding one giveaway.

52. Niche Commenting

A slow route to promotion is commenting. This will expose your brand to related websites. If done right, it can drive tons of highly relevant to drive traffic to your website.

53. Niche Forum Posting

In the same way, you can post in forums to promote your products. If it is a relevant forum, you’ll find that posting alone can generate tons of buyers to your online store.

54. Deals Forum Posting

A perfect match for online stores are deals forums. Websites such as Slickdeals allow the posting of limited-time coupons and deals. This is your chance to promote your Shopify store. All it takes is just posting a discount coupon.

55. Deals Facebook Groups Posting

More than forums. Facebook also has groups that allow deals posting. You should then post your discount codes in here for more brand exposure.

56. Social Media Hashtag Promotion

Ever seen those hashtags in social media? Hashtags are keywords with the ‘#’ sign at the beginning. Some people search through topics in Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using hashtags. This allows them to customize their feed and only see topics that are relevant to that particular hashtag. With this, you should use hashtags to your benefit. This may be as simple as appending a hashtag in your product picture or using the hashtag inside of your post paragraph.

57. Offline Marketing

Also, don’t forget offline marketing when it comes to promoting online stores. A store is still just a store and it can be promoted through face-to-face marketing. In fact, I think that this is more effective than any online promotion method.

58. Flyers

You don’t really need to generate buzz to get people to your site. Just print a bunch of flyers and distribute it. It is another offline method to get people to your Shopify website.

59. Offline Coupons for Promotion Actions

You can also give out coupons for certain customer actions. So if a customer likes your page using your computer or mobile phone, you can give them a special coupon.

60. Offline Contests for Promotion Actions

Alternatively, you can also let customers to join an exclusive contest. They get to join the contest as long as they perform a particular action (ex. Like a page or share it).

61. Discount for Every Sale

Then, you can let your customers accumulate points. The more points they have, the higher their discounts will be. I got this idea from Grab when they kept on giving rewards to their riders. This way, riders get to have a discount for almost every ride they make. That ends the list of 61 promotion ideas for your Shopify website. Which did you like the most? Which will you use for your website? Tell me all about it below.

More Strategies to Promote Your Shopify Store

It’s important to develop unique ways to help increase the marketability of your store. This will put you on a position to better promote and make your store more visible even through Shopify templates. As a result, this will enhance the overall look and feel of your brand. When you’re able to interact with your audience in a great manner, this helps to truly make your market in whatever niche you decide to pursue. Here are 12 strategies to help you.

62.YouTube Weekly Livestream

While a good vlog is great, there’s nothing like a livestream where you can directly interact with the people. This allows you to tap into your chat room and get sound suggestions on how to best develop your brand. People can get a behind the scenes look at everything, and even participate in the discussion topic. This is great form of ecommerce marketing.

63. YouTube Community Tab

It’s one of the latest features of this social network. Here you can create status updates about a new video you intend to do, some new content, and more. Also, you can create a poll. This will help you to get advice on what you should post next or even how they like any changes to your channel. This direct feedback is crucial when promoting a new product.

64. Instagram Video Story

When you go to use Instagram, you can put stuff in either a feed or a story. With a story, it’s a bit better as far as promoting a short sale. You can do something like an Instagram story exclusive for a deal. Seeing as the story last for 24 hours, it certainly brings a more urgent need to buy.

65. Instagram Live

You’ll find this to be another good use from your profile. You can set up a time where you showcase your product. Also, if you have a joint venture, it’s perfect for doing a live with another person. You’ll be able to cross promote in a way that enables both sides to win. This is perfect for truly spreading your message across both profiles.

66. Archived Scopes

If you do live scopes on a regular basis, it’s good to redirect to your older ones. You can document different things you’ve said to help market and see what type of audience is engaged in your program. Also, you can create a free seminar or something, which is a good care package that will allow you to truly thank your clientele. This is an excellent promotion tip.

67. Interview an Influencer

Getting the right crowd could also start with ensuring you know an expert. Maybe you have someone that has created a great store. You’ll not only build legitimacy but create value in getting their point of view. It’s an excellent way to drive traffic to your brand. You’ll put your stamp on a specific of niche.

68. Create a Guest Post on a Forum

Also, you can put a guest post on a forum. This will help you attract a new audience. Also, you’ll build more trust in the brand. This is due to people of the community being more receptive to something that works or at the very least, useful to their own. When you have a tight community around you, this create better legitimacy and allows you to get on the right path to selling to your niche audience.

69. Go to a Conference

There’s no other great way than to go to a conference where people are looking for things to either invest in or buy some type of product. You may be in a marketing conference and you can promote your store. You can have a few samples of your product to show and get an amount to sell right at your booth. This is a good tactic to help you talk directly to your clientele and provide some good customer service. Make sure that you plan ahead to find the best way to go about the conference.

70. Help Sponsor an Event

If you have a friend or someone you standby in business, this is another good way to get your name out. You can be the one to sponsored the event and promote yourself through online invites and banners throughout the event. This is good to also post pictures and videos whether it’s on Facebook or Instagram. It’ll help you attract more people to the brand.

71. Telling Friends and Family

There’s nothing like getting your support from the people you love. They will not only help you by spreading the word, but they will buy your product early. You can expect them to be brutally honest, and it’ll help you create more character within your brand. It’s important that you have this early on in order to keep a sound reputation.

72. iTunes Podcast

You can talk about topics related to your niche on a weekly basis. This is good to keep updates and tabs on your clientele. Additionally, people can listen to this on their lunch break, mornings before the day start or even a long train trip to a destination. They have the convenience to listen to it whenever they see fit due to the replay value.

73. Advertise on Clothing

You don’t need a clothing brand to advertise. A printed shirts or hats works wonders in organic promotion. You can give a few things away and someone will promote you wherever you go. This is a nice and non-invasive method of grassroots marketing. It’s a bit old school, but still allows you to be creative. Also, you can potentially create something else with your clothing if you intend to expand. It’s all about diversifying your method. It’ll help you in the long run. These are a few strategies that will help you get your marketing guide in order with the help of Shopify affiliate software. Whether you have a small or large business, you’ll find a few key methods that will work for your brand. This will keep you grounded as well as expand your brand past your target audience. As a result, it’ll create longevity for your business.



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