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42 Content Marketing Experts Lead Junta42’s Final Top Blogs List

After more than three years producing 11 comprehensive Top Content Marketing Blogs lists, we’ve decided to hang it up. Today’s release of the Top 42 Content Marketing Blogs (as we know it) will be our last.

Why you ask?

When we began the Junta42 Top 42 Content Marketing List back in late 2007, content marketing as we know it was just being born. Frankly, most marketing professionals didn’t know what content marketing was or how to use it. Marketers didn’t understand the impact that content marketing would make on the practice of marketing. The reason we developed the Top 42 list was to bring attention to some amazing thought leaders around the content marketing practice area and bring awareness to this thriving and important practice.

Our first list in January of 2008 featured 81 blogs. Our current list features over 450 (we could easily have more).

This was a tough decision, but in our minds, the goal of the Top 42 list has been accomplished. Now it’s time to move onto other initiatives.

Today, content marketing is the dominant phrase for the creation and distribution of compelling and relevant content to attract and/or retain customers (see this post). While there were very few resources to help marketers years ago, there are now more every day, including the Content Marketing Institute, Chief Content Officer magazine, and the industry event, Content Marketing World (in which you’ll see many of the Top 42 speak by the way).

A Sincere Thanks

First, I’d like to thank all the Top 42 bloggers.  You are the ones that, day in and day out, spread the word of content marketing.  You shared your expertise with the goal of truly helping marketing professionals understand how to communicate more effectively.  You did it!  My thanks first and foremost go to you.

Second, I’d like to thank Janet Robbins, the lead researcher for the Top 42 Content Marketing Blogs.  Janet helped put the formula together for grading each and every blog, and put her time in every quarter to make this happen.  The Top 42 would not exist without Janet, and I want to thank her immensely.

Through the Years

Big congratulations goes to Jay Baer of Convince and Convert for taking the number one spot for the second time. Jay joins repeat offenders Brian Clark from Copyblogger and Lee Odden from TopRank (yes, you’ll see all three at Content Marketing World as well as former Top 42 winner Andrew Davis of Tippingpoint Labs). Here are the winners of each release dating back to January, 2008.

Release #11: Convince and Convert Release #10: Online Marketing Blog Release #9: Brian Solis Release #8: Convince and Convert Release #7: Online Marketing Blog Release #6: Tippingpoint Labs Release #5: Marketing with Meaning Release #4: Online Marketing Blog Release #3: Copyblogger Release #2: Copyblogger Premier Release (January 2008): Nigel Hollis (Millward Brown)

How We Score

The Top 42 scores are calculated using a combination of 1) Relevance to Content Marketing, 2) How much the blog adds to the Content Marketing conversation, 3) Google Page Rank, 4) blog consistency and 5) previous ranking.

For the complete list of Junta42 Top Content Marketing blogs, click here.

The Final Junta42 Top 42 Content Marketing Blogs List

1 Convince and Convert 2 TopRank Blog 3 Brian Solis 4 Conversation Agent 5 Marketing Experiments 6 Copyblogger 7 Social Media Examiner 8 Inbound Internet Marketing Blog 9 Social Media Explorer 10 Heidi Cohen 11 Post Advertising 12 Web Ink Now 13 Grow 14 Influential Marketing Blog 15 Ducttape Marketing 16 Digital Marketing Blog 17 Drew’s Marketing Minute 18 Marketing Interactions 19 Direct Marketing Observations 20 Conversation Marketing 21 Logic+Emotion 22 Tippingpoint Labs 23 The Conversion Scientist 24 Sparksheet 25 DreamGrow Social Media 26 Branding Strategy Insider 27 Spyrestudios 28 Vertical Measures 29 IdeaLaunch 30 FASTforward Blog 31 Daily Fix 32 PR 20/20 33 ReelSEO 34 Vertical Leap 35 Damn! I Wish 36 Word to the Wise 37 Social Media Magic 38 B2B Bloggers 39 eMedia Vitals 40 Engage 41 Optimize This 42 How Soon is Now?

Thanks again to all of you who have supported and shared this important list of content marketing experts.  We’re sad to see it go, but happy about the future of content marketing!

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