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4 Strategies Affiliate Managers Can Use to Get More Twitter Followers

Social media marketing is a great channel to promote your business in today’s modern world. With billions of people actively involved, not to say emotionally absorbed, social media can pave the way to your business’ online prominence. One of the more popular social media giants is Twitter. Many of the marketing experts today are making the most of the potential of Twitter to take the promotion of their businesses to the next level.

On Twitter, the goal is to have more followers. There are literally hundreds of marketing ploys to gain more twitter followers. Here are four strategies that affiliate managers can use to get more followers on twitter.

1. Linking from Popular Social Media Sites

While there are some Twitter users that are more involved in other social media networks like Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn, you can ask them to follow you by creating a “Follow me on Twitter” links. This way you can reach a far greater audience. You can also put up Twitter widgets on your blog or a link in every e-mail message that you send. You want to make sure that you link your twitter information from every other marketing channel that you utilize.

2. Be Efficiently Active

You really don’t have to tweet all day long. And seriously, who has got the time? Your Twitter following is not a make or break strategy for your business. Having a large following on twitter is important, but so is your time. So, you have to find ways to maximize the time you allot in your Twitter marketing. You can devote your time in Twitter during peak times and participate in the trending topics. Make use of hashtags, as well, so that people with the same interests can easily find you.

3. Earn Your Credibility

You have to be careful of some of the ways you earn more followers. It could backfire and put off some people instead of attracting them. Focus on adding value to other users and not just promoting your content. You can sign up for Google Reader and follow other blogs in your niche and then promote only the best content to your list. Become an authority in your niche and a hub for the best content and this can help to earn you credibility amongst your followers.

4. Be More Interesting

You have to make people to like you and your tweets. In order for you to have more followers, you have to tweet more often. No one will be interested to follow someone with zero tweets. Having said this, you could also tweet every second of the day without attracting any follower if you do not have interesting and compelling tweets. You can try to be funny or provocative. You can incorporate cool pictures. One of the surefire strategies you can do to get people interested is by organizing a contest. You can also have your product as a prize. This way you attract followers and promote your business at the same time.

These are just a few strategies to get more Twitter followers. Make sure to integrate these steps in your marketing strategies and give your business more exposure. If you have any strategies that have worked well for you, feel free to share them below.

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