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$302 Bitcoin Cash BCH Price Prediction (15 Apr 2019)

We have plotted the chances and we predict there is a risk that BCH MIGHT rise as much as 0.1BTC or near USD 500. ?

Full record of BCH technical evaluation:

Use these 3 ========== Short with BitMax.

Use Brave browser.

Use a {hardware} pockets:

Upgrade Pot ========== If you have benefited in any means, be at liberty to contribute to our pot. ?

ETH: 0x4498cDA1Fbbb8828daf77Eb4DDb925e374Db0139

Target 1 : $100 – Dynamic microphone with stand Target 2 : $100 – HD Webcam Target 3 : $200 – Graphics Card Target 4 : $50 – RAM

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