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3 steps to signing more clients

If you’re reading this, chances are that your agency is already using or considering a marketing automation platform to help your clients grow their funnels of customers or prospects and win more business.

Despite using it for clients, however, many agencies are still not using marketing automation internally to support their own business development strategies. Marketing automation is hands down the best tool for achieving the three “gets” that any agency needs in order to grow: Getting found, getting the meeting, and getting the business.

In this issue of Agency Perspectives from Sharp Spring, you will:

  1. Learn why you should use marketing automation internally for your agency in addition to using it for clients.

  2. Discover new strategies for generating awareness, leads and conversions.

  3. Get actionable tips for optimizing your lists, workflows, content library and more.

Visit Digital Marketing Depot to download “3 Steps to Signing More Clients.”

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