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2016: Manual Link Building & SEO


We’re edging ever closer to 2016, and already prediction posts are publishing.

Recently, hoopla around manual link building arose when a 2016-focused post predicted its demise. My fellow columnist Eric Ward shared his thoughts on why manual link building will never be obsolete. I suggest you read his post — he’s experienced, insightful and basically the godfather of link building. If you’re interested in SEO and links, you should be aware of what Ward has to say on the matter.

I agree with Ward that manual link building will continue to play a vital role in SEO — and search as a channel — into 2016 and beyond. Without the intentional, strategic pursuit of links, you’re missing out on search as a channel and leaving marketing opportunities on the table.

Today, I’m going to share my perspective on why manual link acquisition will continue to be important. I work for an agency serving nearly a hundred clients of all sizes, and our primary work is manual link building. It’s a topic near and dear to my heart, and I can say with confidence that links are vital in online marketing and shouldn’t be ignored.

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