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125+ Most Thought-Provoking Tweets from the 2014 #CMWorld Twitter Chats

Writer's picture: Fahad HFahad H

If you’re not making friends, you’re doing it wrong #contentmarketing #CMWorld

Andy Crestodina @crestodina

This sentiment from Andy Crestodina aptly describes our feelings about our #CMWorld Twitter chat community, which is hundreds of content marketers strong.

Today, we share a smattering of the 42,000-plus tweets shared on our #CMWorld Twitter chats from 2014. These are some of the most retweeted and thought-provoking tweets organized by category. If you like sound-bite nuggets of wisdom, you’ll love learning from our community.

We offer sincere thanks to all who have joined us for a chat this year. And, if you have been thinking about joining us, please do so. The community is very welcoming and fun – and we learn A LOT each week. The #CMWorld Twitter chats are at noon (U.S. Eastern time) every Tuesday (upcoming schedule).

Content marketing strategy

I’m hopeful brands move away from awareness as #1 goal to 1) customer retention and 2) demand generation. #CMWorld Joe Pulizzi @JoePulizzi

I like to explain CM as being a way to transform customers from a static audience into a source of research, innovation & sales. #CMWorld Jake Parent @JakeDParent

@PatrickHayslett Content strategy by buying cycle is 1 of the biggest differences between leaders and laggards in #contentmarketing. #CMWorld Michael Brenner @BrennerMichael

Inspiring content sends you on a quest. Useful content helps me choose. Entertaining content drives loyalty. #CMWorld Andrew Davis @TPLDrew

There are still too many brands running content marketing with a campaign mentality – short-term results vs. bldg audience. #CMWorld Joe Pulizzi @JoePulizzi

My top frustration – people confusing content itself with the desired outcome of content marketing. #CMWorld Simon Kemp @eskimon

@RtMixMktg If looking at strategy, here are some tips of what should be “sticky”, what to revisit when: #CMWorld Michele Linn @michelelinn

Look at your strategy, see what other people are doing … if something isn’t working, change it! #CMWorld Brandie McCallum @lttlewys

Content strategy

In content strategy, content is viewed as an asset. The strategy is to help manage and use that asset correctly. #CMWorld Joe Pulizzi @JoePulizzi

Creating an agile strategy that focuses on real-time while listening to the community to find right-time! #CMWorld Brian Fanzo @iSocialFanz

Content strategy looks at content as an asset for the entire organization. Content mktg uses it to attract/retain customers. #CMWorld Joe Pulizzi @JoePulizzi

It’s important to remember #ContentStrategy helps you PLAN for #ContentMarketing; they are not interchangeable terms. #CMWorld Heather Meza @HeatherMeza

Consider how to “re-imagine” your content before you create it. This reduces content creation time. #CMWorld HeidiCohen @heidicohen

Do a content audit and gap analysis 1st. Look at metrics to see where you need to go next. #CMWorld Amy Higgins @amywhiggins

From a business perspective, content reuse across different channels = efficiency + less resources. #CMWorld Melissa Breker @melissabreker

Matching messaging to the customer journey enables a frictionless buying experience. #CMWorld Jenny Magic @JennyLMagic

A big trend for 2015 will be using content as a real asset. What @Carlos_Abler would say “unanticipated reuses” of content. #CMWorld Joe Pulizzi @JoePulizzi

“UpCycle” content … test, tweak and reuse it across networks, in different formats & w/different goals! #CMWorld Brian Fanzo @iSocialFanz

RELATED: Join us at Intelligent Content Conference to learn more about content strategy

Operations, teams, and processes

Find the gaps in marketing talent, technology and strategy that present growth opps, and fill them. #CMWorld Paul Roetzer @paulroetzer

Create opportunities for collaboration. If you enable people, and give them a space, they will jump in. #CMWorld Stéphanie Montreuil @Steph_Montreuil

Marketing folks blame executives a lot for not “buying in.” But it’s their job to be skeptical. Yours is to convince them. #CMWorld Jake Parent @JakeDParent

Too much process turns content marketing into a sausage factory. I’m a bacon guy. #CMWorld Doug Kessler @dougkessler

For brainstorming: get the team out of the office and into the pub (or park or pizza place). It’s ALWAYS better. #CMWorld Doug Kessler @dougkessler

Earlier collaboration between writers and designers leads to better work every time. Not always possible, but always desirable. #CMWorld Doug Kessler @dougkessler

Marketing needs to stop focusing on the “hand-off” to sales and commit to supporting the entire customer journey. #CMWorld Shelly Lucas @pisarose

Get sales involved with content topics/focus – find out what they/customers NEED, not what we think they need #CMWorld Danalynne Wheeler @dwheeler11

Think of sales people as customers. Create personas of them to understand how they engage with your content. #CMWorld Carla Johnson @CarlaJohnson

There will be a resurgence in the value of a journalist/storyteller … we will see this in new roles and higher pay. #CMWorld Joe Pulizzi @JoePulizzi

It’s important to note that workflows aren’t static. Different content types require different workflows. #CMWorld Jesse Noyes @noyesjesse

Focus on creating great content with repeatable processes … Communicate & Collaborate as a team! #CMWorld Brian Fanzo @iSocialFanz

I’m honestly not sure how repurposing gets done without workflows. At least not in a sustained way. #CMWorld Jesse Noyes @noyesjesse

It doesn’t matter who produces your content. As long as it’s focused on triggering the right journey. #CMWorld Andrew Davis @TPLDrew

Absolutely. Content and social should share unified strategy. Your customers don’t care about your org chart. #CMWorld Jay Baer @jaybaer

Content marketing stops being one department’s job – and starts to become infused in the entire direction of the enterprise. #CMWorld Joe Pulizzi @JoePulizzi

It’s exciting how many new opportunities there are for marketers, writers, journalists and IT folk in #contentmarketing. #CMWorld Joe Pulizzi @JoePulizzi

A ‘reasonable’ schedule should be defined by the convergence of your audience and your medium. What do they want/expect, when? #CMWorld Mike Myers @mikemyers61

Planning is important, but at some point we have to start publishing. Over-planning can kill any good strategy. #contentmarketing #CMWorld Christoph Trappe @CTrappe

RELATED: Learn how to make your processes more scalable and efficient at Intelligent Content Conference

Building your audience

Being ultra-focused means you can connect with potential customers quicker and laser-focus into the content they want. #CMWorld Susyn Elise Duris @SusynEliseDuris

A landing page with no strategy might as well be a trampoline … Visitors will just bounce! #CMWorld Brian Fanzo @iSocial_Fanz

A landing page must deliver on whatever promise was made to get someone to visit it. #CMWorld Ardath Albee @ardath421

@Brewbom #CMWorld Right – as long as a lot of important traffic goes there – it’s a landing page – whether you control it or not. Tim Ash @tim_ash

Get out of your bubble and get to know your audience. Know their problems, not just the ones you solve. #CMWorld Eric Wittlake @wittlake

@CMIContent – #leadgeneration is more focused on “top of funnel” contact acquisition and does not focus on a holistic approach. #CMWorld Carlos Hidalgo @cahidalgo

BIG issue I find in most companies use of marketing automation is they don’t create a persona for influencers who are not customers. #CMWorld Andy Newbom @Brewbom

Nurturing takes time – and it’s not your timeline – we tend to forget this. #CMWorld Ardath Albee @ardath421

My take: Nurturing helps the lead warm themselves! Not intrusive, not pushy. Educates. Informs. Even inspires. #CMWorld Deana Goldasich @goldasich

Nurture Mistake: Too much frequency – fatiguing your prospects – what other emails do they get from your co? #CMWorld Ardath Albee @ardath421

If you want to inspire people to go on a journey, you’re going to have to get to know what motivates them. #CMWorld Andrew Davis @TPLDrew

We get tired of something waaayy faster than external audiences do, but it’s hard to remember that sometimes. #CMWorld Mike Myers @mikemyers614

Companies with high conversion rates never assume their assumptions, they test them! #CMWorld Ian Cleary @IanCleary

Use email marketing as a tried and tested route to building your sales funnel. #CMWorld Ian Cleary @IanCleary

With the right content, people will convert themselves to the channel that suits them & their needs – Twitter, FB, Email etc. #CMWorld Nick Kellet @NickKellet

Conversion is your destination and optimization is improving how you get there. #CMWorld Ian Cleary @IanCleary

Don’t chase acceptance. Be good. Be who you are. Let your audience select and prefer you. #CMWorld Rick Short @RickShort21

Knowing your audience should be your biggest challenge even if you don’t see it that way. #CMWorld Victor Garcia @EducationNews1

RELATED:  More articles on how to build your audience

Content creation

“Leave out the parts that readers tend to skip” – Elmore Leonard #CMWorld Phaedra Hise @HiPhaedra

You sound a hell of a lot smarter when you create content specifically for a certain group of people … can be meatier. #CMWorld Traci Browne @tracibrowne

Not having original content is like being @ the prom & three girls are wearing your dress. You blend in rather than stand out. #CMWorld Deborah Ng @debng

Best Q I heard on what to get from prospects – @rapleaf CEO “What’s 1 piece of data on your customers that would change your biz?” #CMWorld Andy Newbom @Brewbom

Original content isn’t as much of a point as relevant content – context is important 🙂 #CMWorld Ardath Albee @ardath421

It is time to change #mobile from a noun to a verb. Be mobile, not do mobile. h/t @bradmays #CMWorld Tim Hayden @TheTimHayden

Mobile has made us all mobile speed. All of your content should be digestible and chunked #CMWorld Andy Newbom @Brewbom

Think #mobile behavior BEFORE #mobile technology. #CMWorld Tim Hayden @TheTimHayden

Brands need to pay attention to their writing as a differentiator re: personality, too. Good writing is often undervalued in content. #CMWorld Ann Handley @annhandley

I think your personality or voice is consistent. But your tone changes depending on the platform/customer mindset. @CMIContent #CMWorld Ann Handley @annhandley

Write how you speak instead of how you *think* you should write. #CMWorld Linda Dessau @lindadessau

Many 1st-time authors are surprised to learn that readers LIKE insight into their personality. #CMWorld Rick Short @RickShort21

I encourage new authors to take time to find their voice & style. It’s a process. #CMWorld Rick Short @RickShort21

I like to write the “evil twin” of a post. Write the best practices … then write the common mistakes. Make it a guest post. #CMWorld Andy Crestodina @crestodina

I’ve never consulted for a company that didn’t have great stories – most times they just were not in “story” form. #CMWorld Joe Pulizzi @JoePulizzi

RELATED: CMI’s most popular articles on content creation


Podcasting is a perfect fit for mobile & more companies are getting that. #CMWorld Pamela Muldoon @pamelamuldoon

A podcast is not like Field of Dreams. If you build it … they will not come. Promotion, community & ease of sharing are critical. #CMWorld Pamela Muldoon @pamelamuldoon

Podcasts have become an important way to reach an increasingly busy public. #CMWorld Mike Myers @mikemyers614

Podcasting is the most intimate form of content we have as marketers. It is a perfect platform for storytelling. #CMWorld Pamela Muldoon @pamelamuldoon

Every person & brand has a story. Even if it’s a short story, it’s worth sharing with your community/audience. #CMWorld Crowd Content @CrowdContent

RELATED: Check out CMI’s Podcast Network with shows from Joe Pulizzi, Robert Rose, Pamela Muldoon, Todd Wheatland, and Andrew Davis

Visual content

Print is tangible. Even though we read a lot of online content, it sometimes feels less so. #CMWorld Ardath Albee @ardath421

Best thing about print? You have audience’s COMPLETE attention. How many distractions are popping up on your screen right now? #CMWorld Luke Sackandy @LukeNPC

@lttlewys I never realized it, but having a print magazine became a competitive advantage for us. Go figure. #CMWorld Joe Pulizzi @JoePulizzi

Think VISUAL content where possible. It doesn’t need translation. 2014 is the year of visual content. #CMWorld HeidiCohen @heidicohen

Not just writing, imagery is a huge area to consider too – pictures and video must also be sensitive to cultural mores #CMWorld Natalie Howells @NHowellsFW

Quite often video is treated as a standalone. How does it fit in with your content strategy and storyline? #CMWorld Ardath Albee @ardath421

To me a video should ENHANCE and amplify great copy and photos NOT always replace it. #CMWorld Andy Newbom @Brewbom

Be in control and you’re doing things intentionally. Arbitrarily selecting art will cheapen the experience. #CMWorld Buddy Scalera @MarketingBuddy

Be descriptive even with visuals. Limit your text where feasible. Make the message be as direct as possible. #CMWorld Carmella Lanni @vegecomgirl

Seems simple, but always always ask “what story does this visual fit into”. #CMWorld Joe Cardillo @joecardillo

Use it to LEARN. @SlideShare is my first stop every morning while I drink my coffee. I’ve learned so much there! #CMWorld Jonathon Colman @jcolman

Placing original design between templated pieces. The mixture of the 2 promotes creativity & consistency at the same time. #CMWorld Joseph Kalinowski @ringo66

“Design by committee” can bring the whole project to a grinding halt. #CMWorld #ugh Joseph Kalinowski @ringo66

RELATED: CMI’s most popular articles on visual content and design

Getting the most from in-person events

The internet has raised the bar for events. You have to be providing content attendees can’t get online. #CMWorld Traci Browne @tracibrowne

Everyone you meet is a source of content – @crestodina’s yearbook proved that at last year’s #CMWorld. Nick Kellet @NickKellet

Cover the #event like a #journalist. What would your audience want to know/ask if they were there? #CMWorld Mike Myers @mikemyers614

Organize notes and prioritize based on need and length of time needed. Make a goal to implement “quick ideas” within 30 days. #CMWorld Cathy McPhillips @cmcphillips

I always try to find 1-2 ah-ha ideas at any event; find that nugget that sings to YOU & take immediate action (Pronto!); Take risks #CMWorld Peter Loibl @PeterLoibl

Content marketing allows brands to provide value in new ways and track customers thru conversion. #CMWorld Scott Lum @ScottLum

Introverts often have better networking experiences. We don’t walk away w/a pocket full of cards, just a few solid connections.#CMWorld Traci Browne @tracibrowne

The 2 tricks to making connections at a conference: 1) Research before the show. 2) Follow up after! #CMWorld Andy Crestodina @crestodina

The best content marketers are constantly networking. The very best use the phone, in-person meetings and live events … #CMWorld Andy Crestodina @crestodina

Good speakers also pre-schedule a tweet with a link to their slides, right after they finish speaking. Classic. #CMWorld Shannon Doubleday @shhh

Life cycle of a speaking engagement: blog posts & tweets pre-event and post-event, spanning 6-10 weeks depending on engagement. #CMWorld Leslie Brand @LLBrand

RELATED: Join us at the world’s largest content marketing event: Content Marketing World

Influencer marketing

The secret about influencers is that often they themselves may not think they are influential. #CMWorld Andy Newbom @Brewbom

#CMWorld Help your influencers look good in front of their audiences. They love social currency. Marc Lawn @businessgp

Influencers are not like Pokemon – you shouldn’t try to collect them all! 😉 #CMWorld Erika Heald @SFerika

“Co-create with someone famous & they’re your friend for a day. Help someone become famous & they’re friends for life.” #CMWorld Lee Odden @leeodden

Co-created content invests participants in the end product, incentivizing them to share & make it a success. #CMWorld Lee Odden @leeodden

Start growing a network NOW, not when you need them. I had to start somewhere 🙂 Find ways to create value, then level up. #CMWorld Lee Odden @leeodden

Content distribution and promotion

“Blasting our content on every channel in the same form” is not a channel plan or at least a good one. #CMWorld Cathy McPhillips @cmcphillips

Please remember – advertising is not the only way to amplify content. Don’t forget PUBLIC RELATIONS & MEDIA RELATIONS! 😉 #CMWorld Kris Huson @Vruno

I used to think paid social was an oxymoron but now it’s a necessity. #CMWorld Scott Lum @ScottLum

RELATED: More ideas on how to distribute and promote your content

Social media

I don’t look at social marketing and content marketing as two different things anymore – they feed each other. #CMWorld Scott Lum @ScottLum

The contacts feature is one of most underutilized / known features on @LinkedIn. #CMWorld Bernie Borges @bernieborges

Pulse and #LI Influencers have created a content hub too rich too ignore. #CMWorld Bernie Borges @bernieborges

Social strategy is required even if you do ZERO content, because consumers are using social like a telephone. #CMWorld Jay Baer @jaybaer

Remember that social (and content) success is about the wizard, not the wand. The tool is a means to an end you determine. #CMWorld Jay Baer @jaybaer

Remember that once you leave a social channel, it’s not easy to return. So you better be SURE you’re out forever. #CMWorld Jay Baer @jaybaer

Measurement and ROI

Numbers matter, but so do anecdotes and stories. Don’t discount storytelling in your measurement. #CMWorld Eric Wittlake @wittlake

Industry benchmarks are not that helpful. Benchmark yourself and work against that. #CMWorld Ardath Albee @ardath421

It’s also important to think about what you’ll do with the metrics – what do they inform? #CMWorld Ardath Albee @ardath421

Dig into @GoogleAnalytics. Look at trends. Look beyond page views and into conversions, better yet conversions by topic. #CMWorld Cathy McPhillips @cmcphillips

RELATED: More articles on measurement and ROI


Marketing is now a technology-powered discipline. Every marketer should become comfortable with that #CMWorld Scott Brinker @chiefmartec

With marketing and tech changing so fast we need to test and fail fast – learn faster. #CMWorld Scott Lum @ScottLum

Tools that operationalize your content strategy are the way to go – not tech then strategy. #CMWorld Ardath Albee @ardath421

Ask yourself this question – which apps are duplicating efforts? Which can drop? Save yourself time to make what you have work. #CMWorld Nick Kellet @NickKellet

Marketing automation tools simply automate your process. They don’t automate creating the process. #CMWorld Andy Newbom @Brewbom

This diagram shows them as facilitators between 4 constituents: CMO, IT, non-tech marketers, and vendors. #CMWorld Scott Brinker @chiefmartec

I love file sharing programs such as Dropbox. Having a hub for all files between artists & editors is clutch. #CMWorld Joseph Kalinowski @ringo66

#Tools? I love: @buffer @SumAll @Canva @GetSwayy @treble_io @followspruce @Nuzzel @warblealerts @listly #CMWorld Christin Kardos @ChristinKardos

Miscellaneous wisdom

Big brands can learn from small brands by acting smaller and more local. By letting people in. Being more open. #CMWorld Nick Kellet @NickKellet

Mass markets are really a collection of niches that overlap across general needs. #CMWorld HeidiCohen @heidicohen

#mindmaps help me see things I wouldn’t otherwise see. #CMWorld Kip Meacham @kiporama

I think there is often an opportunity to “connect the dots” for people – contextualize and make sense of info. #CMWorld Michele Linn @michelelinn

I’m starting to feel, maybe for the first time, that content marketing is becoming a credible discipline of marketing. #CMWorld Joe Pulizzi @JoePulizzi

Content is evolving from communications to experiences, new tech for the 4th wave of content marketing. #CMWorld Carla Johnson @CarlaJohnson

Other Startup Content Creator Hall of Famers include: @Wistia @priceintel @Buffer @intercom @helpscout @uberflip #CMWorld Jay Acunzo @Jay_zo

Oreo probably did more to harm the real-time movement than help, because everyone thought it was so easy. It’s not. #CMWorld Joe Pulizzi @JoePulizzi

The biggest misconceptions of #contentmarketing: content marketing is a mindset, not a tool set #CMWorld Michael Brenner @BrennerMichael

Content is every company’s best product! #CMWorld Michael Brenner @BrennerMichael

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Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute

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