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10 Ways Affiliate Managers Can Increase Their Twitter Followers

Twitter is a great way to grow your business. As an affiliate manager or a business owner you want to have twitter followers for three reasons. The first reason, obviously, is to market to them. You can sell your products or services to your twitter followers. The second reason, again obviously, is to convert them to become your affiliates. More affiliates equal more revenue; if you do it right. If you successfully convert some of your twitter followers to become affiliates then you will have more affiliates promoting your products. The third reason is to establish your brand and build trust for your business with your customers and potential clients.

As you can see twitter is definitely beneficial to your affiliate marketing efforts and business. Follow these 10 tips to increase your twitter followers, then, use twitter successfully to grow your business.

1. Advertise your twitter

Duh! How do you expect people to follow you if they do not know you are on twitter? Twitter is not a “build it and they will come” social platform. You have to let others know that you are on twitter. Tell your friends, family, current customers to follow you on twitter. Also, announce it on your other social networks.

2. Complete profile information

This is very important. Enter the description of your twitter profile that way visitors and customers know who you are. Add your website link. Enter your location. Make sure you have filled out all the required fields of your profile information so that people know who you are and know your business.

3. Follow people

When you follow people, some follow you back. Make sure you follow people who are in the same market or niche as you. That way you will be selling to people who need your services.

4. Un-follow people

When you follow people and they do not follow you back, you can un-follow them to create more space for people you can follow. Do not un-follow them on the same day. Give them some time to follow you and if they do not follow, break up (un-follow). It is them not you.

5. Get listed on Twitter directories

List your twitter on directories like Twellow and Wefollow. Online twitter directories are a great place for potential customers to find you because they list accounts according to their niche or market.

6. Customize your twitter background

Do not use the default twitter background. Customize the background and give it the same look and feel of your brand. This will help people identify your brand. It also helps you standout.

7. Link to your twitter account

Make sure you link your twitter account from your blog or website. The people who visit your blog or website want your product or service so they are more likely to follow you on twitter. If you do not successfully convert them to become customers through your blog or website then twitter will be another great place to continue to market to them.

8. Use it – “or you will lose it”

Do not just create a twitter account and do nothing with it. Engage your followers, post interesting articles and content within your niche. Make people want to follow you because you are giving them good content and you are a resource to them.

9. Tweet frequently

Make sure your twitter account has fresh tweets. Before someone follows you they check your timeline to see if you tweet frequently.

10. Run a contest

Host a contest using your twitter profile that requires people to follow you to win. When you host a twitter contest make sure you follow the Twitter Guidelines for Contests on Twitter.

Follow the above 10 tips and you will be on your way to increase your twitter followers. These tips are easy to follow and do not take a lot of time and effort. Make sure to come back to our affiliate marketing blog to learn more ways on how you can grow your business.

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