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10 Local Link Building Tips For 2016


The conference season has kicked in already, and I’ve been overwhelmed with how many businesses have been asking for more local link building tips. I wrote a post here last spring about local links, but it was more focused on sharing the importance of local links. This time, I’m here with actual down and dirty tips.

As I mentioned before, traditional link builders only target links from sites with high Domain Authority (DA). They’re cautious of Penguin, and they want as much link juice as possible. With Local SEO, I often find that we’re taking the opposite approach.

Many times, I prefer a link from a site with low DA, as long as it’s a local website. Heck, we even actively target nofollow links (That sigh you just heard was all the traditional link builders freaking out). Even with low authority and nofollow, a link from a local site carries a ton of local relevancy.

Don’t forget: When you’re building links, it’s not only about the inbound link for SEO value. If you get quality links on local sites, they’re links that humans will actually click on. Those local links will bring you more traffic, and they’ll increase your brand’s visibility.

So without further ado, let’s jump into a few local link building tips that will work for any business vertical:

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