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10 eCommerce Referral Program Examples – Food Industry

Food is a very interesting market that has a lot of niches in store. It’s a great place for an ecommerce marketer to dive into with social sites like Pinterest and Instagram showcasing unique recipes and different food markets. If a marketer has a special talent for food, setting up an ecommerce referral based site is definitely a good strategy. Here are some nice food ecommerce sites that have good referral programs.  If you are looking to setup a referral program for your food eCommerce business then you should consider OSI Affiliate Software.  Let’s take a look at some examples of other eCommerce businesses that decided to start a referral program.  It should be noted that not all of these business use OSI Affiliate Software and that we have compiled this list so that you see what is possible in this industry:


This is actually a unique program that has all organic snacks for the more health conscious. Organic is definitely a major rage especially with processed foods gaining more of a reputation to do harm to health. Another reason why this is a good program: donations. For each snack box you buy, you essentially give a meal to the homeless. Conscious capitalism is definitely a strong asset. As far as the affiliate program is concerned, a member gets $4 per every subscription. Plus the subscriber gets a new trial box. Good deal, right?


This is a place known for fresh meats, deli, and gourmet treats. It’s been around for over 75 years as a mainstay in Philadelphia. They’ve kept themselves abreast to modernizing a business. With a solid following on social media and the like, they are continuing to branch out and gain a following beyond their traditional demographics. They use the All-Affiliate Programs system and commission rates start at 7% and go to 12%. This is a true testament to taking the local gourmet market and putting it on a worldwide scale.


Whether you want a holiday basket or a simple corporate gift, fresh fruit is the way to go sometimes. It’s subtle but it’s tasty. This company has been in business since the 1940s and shows why it continues to thrive in it’s own lane. The fruit is freshly grown in Oregon at a beautiful orchard. Your order is freshly picked and shipped off to you. In addition to fruit, you can select cheese, chocolate, and other desserts as well.


This is a nice niche onto its own. Health care is one of the most lucrative industries in business, period. Why not get a piece of it right here? These are meals set for older people especially those that have restrictions on their diets. Meals are delivered within 24-72 hours of the patient being discharged. This is certainly beneficial because it’s one thing to be taken care of but then knowing foods that can be eaten. There are specific meals for those that are diabetic, vegetarian, and even have ailment such as renal issues.


This is definitely a nice idea. Prepared food in storage? Sounds like some ecommerce is preparing for a Zombie Apocalypse to happen in the near future. All in seriousness, you never know what can happen in any situation. Whether there’s a storm that knocks out power for a while, or a catastrophic event that causes you to lose your home – being prepared is seriously the best case scenario. From dried fruits, meats, and emergency kits, you are covered in case of a serious ordeal.


This is another solid program if you’re into health. A lot of the times we build toxins from foods we eat that are way too processed or too sugar loaded. It puts a serious toll on the body and we often become vitamin deficient. The Hallelujah Diet encourages more of a plant-based diet and adds supplements to help the body absorb minerals and vitamins it lacks. This makes for a great affiliate program because more people are becoming health conscious.


Weight loss is very difficult for a number of people because they automatically believe it’s about eating like a rabbit and or starving themselves when it’s quite the opposite. Bistro MD focuses on preparing meals that are well balanced and properly proportioned. The main issue is people tend to overeat on the wrong things. You can still have your juicy steak but cut it in half and save it for later. The beauty is you can have these meals delivered to your door and they cater to fat loss. Not to mention, there are individual programs for men and women.


A very catchy title for a very convenient site. Time is something we cannot get back and in the age of mobile devices – you certainly need that extra push to relax or take things slow. HelloFresh is a great service that provides a box full of fresh ingredients to make the process of cooking much easier. Not to mention, the recipes for meat, vegetarian, and gluten-free based foods are deliciously prepared by quality chefs. Your ingredients can be shipped anywhere in the world. It’s easy to stay in contact on social media as well.


Add a bit of flavor to your palate with some great Spanish foods. Variety makes life much more exciting. Not to mention, some sparkling wine straight from the motherland. If you want a bit of Spanish culture, this is one of the best ecommerce sites to get your ingredients. Season your vegetables and your meat with incredible spices and really add tons of sazon (style and flavor) to the mix. For ecommerce users looking to break in the Spanish market, use this site as a guide for your own niche.


Can’t leave this list without some protein powder for the workout heads. There’s nothing wrong with adding a bit of protein powder to get an extra surplus to build muscle. Most protein powders are simply whey based and don’t provide the proper nutrients needed to sustain muscle. Essentially, it’s like adding water weight to your body. My Vega adds plant based protein powder that helps you cover your servings of vitamins along with building your musculature. You can consult an expert on the team to help you with your meal goals.

The food industry is very big and there’s enough room for everyone to eat (pun intended). Seriously, the market is global and crosses language barriers and cultures. People love to eat but people love variety and health. Use this as a source to help you in your future ecommerce dominance.

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