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How To Get More Hashes From Your Nvidia Cards: 2:32 1: Download Claymore 14.5 – https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1433925.0 2:54 2: Extract and Rename the folders to one thing shorter.(claymore145 instance) 4:03 3: Add File Pathing string to your begin.bat earlier than EthDcrMiner64.exe. This is to Run As Admin. Example “C:UsersadminDownloadsClaymore145Claymore145EthDcrMiner64.exe” (Make positive no areas within the folder identify, if there’s use ” ” quotations) !THANKS NEFARIOUSFOOL! GO SUB TO NEFARIOUS TECHNOLOGY ON YOUTUBE. 5:50 4: add -strap 1 to the beginning.bat as nicely. 6:10 5: add -driver set up after which save after which proper click on begin.bat run as administrator to run the file, then it should shut by itself after which you need to reboot the machine in order that “Test Mode” could be enabled. If you resolve to disable the “Test Mode” simply put -driver uninstall and run the beginning.bat (as admin) and reboot and that is it. 7:48 6: Remove -driver set up as soon as restarted within the begin.bat. 8:33 7: Set your energy restrict and reminiscence overclock in MSI Afterburner. 10:44 8: Run Start.bat and see how a lot hashes you will get from there. Then you’ll be able to high quality tune if you would like by making an attempt completely different -strap 1/2/3/4/5/6 relying in your Nvidia gpu’s reminiscence. As nicely as many different choices within the Claymore readme however this information is only a very fast methods to for outcomes. Results May Vary/Silicon Lottery/Overclock and many others… 12:15 Getting 34mh/s @ 70% PL, -200 Core, +600 Memory 12:48 Increasing Memory to +800 and getting 35.5mh/s 16:23 Is A GTX 1070 Profitable On Ethereum Now?
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