Greetings, marketing friend-o, so nice to see you! It’s always nice to see you, whether it’s here, or on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn – the usual social media suspects. But did you know that Marketing Land is on Instagram? Yeah, our pics are pretty #onfleek TBH. Maybe? Kinda. I don’t know, you decide!
If you’re on Instagram, check us out – @marketingland. Toss a follow our way, if you feel so inclined. It’s a great way to sprinkle a little marketing into the insta-mix.
A photo posted by Marketing Land (@marketingland) on Mar 27, 2015 at 3:12pm PDT
But wait! It’s not all marketing. Like to live vicariously through the travels of your Instagram pals? We regularly post photos & video from our various Search Marketing Expo adventures, from Silicon Valley to the Big Apple, glamorous Las Vegas to splendid Seattle.
And, yeah. Sometimes, we post cat pics for fun. As well as the occasional foodie snapshot. #CanILive
Testing IFTTT recipe for #SMX. Test Subject: @deepcereal’s cat. Test complete. This message will self-destruct in five minutes. A photo posted by Marketing Land (@marketingland) on Nov 18, 2014 at 4:42am PST