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The orange juice test

Spending money is very easy. Spending money effectively is very hard. There are lots of dodgy people & service providers out there who...

3 rules for customer feedback

Gathering useful timely feedback from customers can be a long process. Intercom makes it faster and easier than ever before but just...

The fallacy of funnels

The funnel is a lousy metaphor for measuring conversion. In real life, funnels let everything pass through–a 100% conversion rate if you...

Features & Physics Envy

I use the above graph to pick what features to add or improve based on how many customers use them, and how often. This leads to curious...

Why startups need a strong vision

Meaningful companies are built upon a strong timeless vision. Let’s look at some examples… “To organize the world‘s information and make...

Beware of icebergs

When a customer asks for a new feature, it’s quite often something that makes perfect sense. My heart says “Sure thing, we can do this...

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