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Labeling is Bad For Creativity

The mind acts like a muscle. The extra we use it, the “smarter” and “more creative” we’re. There are many strategies to extend one’s...

Unflattening design

Apologies if you clicked on this post expecting a proposal for the next visual design trend to replace flat design. We won’t be having a...

Two product principles often forgotten

In the 7th century, Archilochus wrote “The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.” A simple quote with a...

Some things can’t be wireframed

Research and analysis help show you the workflows, usability principles ensure it’s clear and intuitive, but how do you get to...

Creative advertisements

Understanding the value of offline advertising is messy. Billboards, for example, are priced based on how many cars drive past them....

Criticism and two way streets

A post by Jason Fried titled “Give it 5 minutes” reminded me of a great technique I learned about from Bill Buxton. Bill is a Principal...

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