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Get To Know Your Users

It’s crucial for start-ups to know who uses their application and how. One of our goals with Intercom has been to surface this...

Automated emails & customer respect

Today we launched automated emails in Intercom. A feature that evokes the old Spider-Man quote: “With great power comes great...

Welcoming Darragh Curran

Two months ago, Darragh Curran tweeted to help us find a Senior Ruby Engineer. Today, we’re delighted to welcome him into exactly that...

Intercom raises $1M

Our goal with Intercom is to provide a product for every single web business to help them proactively build and manage relationships with...

Welcoming Ben McRedmond

Today marks Ben McRedmond‘s first day working with Intercom. We’re thrilled to have him on-board. He’s an awesome engineer. We know this...

Recent new features in Intercom

We’ve had a phenomenal response to the product since we began our private beta back in June. It has been amazing to get such qualified...

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