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How Marketers Can Tap Into Twitter Lists

“He’s makin a list, He’s checkin it twice” -Santa Claus is Coming to Town, ‪Haven Gillespie People love lists. In the opera Don Giovanni,...

5 Lessons From #London2012

The Olympic Games in London were, I think most people would agree, a pretty stunning success. From the amazing opening ceremony, to the...

Tips For An Effective Twitter Chat

Fourteen years before Twitter had its debut at SxSW,  professor of educational psychology and semiotician Gary Shank wrote a paper titled...

Good Morning, Twitter

While Liz’s approach to saying “good morning” goes beyond a simple “good morning, Twitter,” it might still fall into a category of tweets...

Facebook Advertising Decoded

Traditional advertisers often find Facebook daunting. Social media marketing is the future, that is certain, but transitioning...

14 Reasons No One Talks To You On Facebook

“How do I get my Facebook fans to participate more on our page?” It’s one of the biggest questions — and toughest to answer — when it...

Filling the Sales Pipeline with Twitter

At least it is if we use old-school sales approaches to new-school social media.  At its best, social media is one of the greatest...

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