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How Comics Taught Me Email

The superhero movies this summer have me reminiscing on my life in comic books. See, prior to email I spent a number of years in the US...

Explicit And Implicit Email Preferences

Email is seemingly tailor-made for collecting customer information. In a perfect program, collection begins at the point of sign up. Yet...

Tracking Offline Email Conversions

Email is a unique channel. Because it is sent digitally, and click-throughs drive traffic online, retail email marketing is traditionally...

Four Responsive Email Layouts

Recognizing the industry needed a scalable design strategy that acknowledged the growing stable of web-enabled devices, Ethan Marcotte...

Four Tips For Writing Emails That Sell

Because email feels so personal, your messages need to connect with the people you’re talking to. You need to keep each individual...

Mobile In The Wild: A Look At Amazon Emails

Mobile email is no longer coming soon. It’s here, and it’s here to stay. Mobile-friendly tactics like single column, large text, and big...

Seasonal Tips For Engaging Email Subscribers

It’s almost summer, and that means it’s time to change up your emails. Why’s that? Tailoring your emails to the season will help you meet...

Staffing Your Email Team — 8 Key Roles

Well-run email marketing programs account for as much as 20 percent of a retailer’s online revenue. While some might view that as an...

5 Minutes To A Bigger Email Audience

Email marketing is a highly effective way to make sales. Hopefully, you have a web form set up to invite your site visitors to subscribe....

Adding Email Engagement To RFM Scoring

Spring has finally arrived, and for most retailers that means something of a lull in holiday frequency (once Mother’s Day has passed),...

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