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How Dynamic Are You?

Before choosing a dynamic ad provider, my advice is to consider two sets of criteria so you know you’re getting a truly dynamic solution:...

Not All Digital Ads Are Created Equal

Digital advertising is on the rise, which is good news for us — the people that live and breathe in the online world. However, as...

Get Engaged…Whatever That Means

Influencers all over industry are talking about it, but the lack of a definition for engagement in online advertising is creating...

Get Beyond MarketingSpeak And Keep Your Job

Remember the somewhat annoying and endless stream of “s*%t people say” videos circulating on Facebook and YouTube last month? I’m still...

The Return Of The Publishing Genius

There’s nothing like a white-hot economy, or a white-hot sector, to create marketing geniuses. Notice that there are a lot of well-known...

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