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Leveraging Content For In-Store Sales

Itā€™s a little-known but impressive fact: Despite the rise and seeming ubiquity of e-commerce, a stunning 90 percent of consumer purchases...

Repurposing Your Content For New Media

I know what youā€™re thinking: Doesnā€™t repurposing old content go against all content marketing advice? Youā€™re right to be concerned....

5 Content Trends To Watch

It may not technically be the new year, but for anyone whoā€™s ever attended school, the annual September entry into fall ā€” and a new...

Stop Our Exclamation Point Addiction!

So many messages. So many tweets. So many blogs. So many Instas. So little time. Itā€™s hard times out there for us marketers. Our messages...

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