Cortana For Android, iOS Coming Very Soon, Windows 10 To Sync With iPhones, Android
Microsoft is making Windows 10 cross-device friendly. To that end the new operating system will work with Android and the iPhone to sync...
Microsoft is making Windows 10 cross-device friendly. To that end the new operating system will work with Android and the iPhone to sync...
The US smartphone market seems to have reached a kind of homeostatic equilibrium. According to many months of comScore data, Android...
Last week Flurry released data showing that “phablets” now constitute 20 percent of all active smartphones globally. Echoing this, Kantar...
When it comes to smartphones (screen) size matters. According to data from Flurry (Yahoo), so-called phablets now constitute 20 percent...
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics the most common jobs in the country are “retail sales clerk” and “cashier.” The latter...
The iPhone 6 is the force that continues to power stellar quarters for Apple. This afternoon is no exception. The company reported Q2...
Tomorrow the Apple Watch pre-orders start arriving. And almost immediately those early adopters will be downloading specialized watch...
Apple may let the world know today precisely how many watches were ordered on Friday. In the interim financial analysts and others have...
On Friday comScore released its latest US smartphone market-share data (February 2015). It asserts that 76.6 percent of the US mobile...
Now that details about the functions and pricing of the Apple Watch are public, industry observers are speculating about the sales...
All over Techmeme are dozens of articles detailing Apple’s product announcements today. While there were many little announcements, the...
Patent litigation is heating up again. Earlier this week, Apple was hit by a half-billion dollar jury verdict over iTunes. Now, Swedish...
A federal jury in Texas, the favorite venue of patent litigants, has awarded an IP holding company, called Smartflash LLC, $532.9 million...
Android has most of the devices, while Apple generates most of the profits. Together they control the global smartphone market. According...
One could argue that Google Wallet was ahead of its time. When it launched it was blocked by wireless carriers (except for Sprint) that...
Traffic from mobile devices is now nearly 50 percent of overall online U.S. retail traffic according to the latest data from IBM Digital...
Nearly 75 percent (74.9 percent) of mobile subscribers in the U.S. now own smartphones. In December 2013, U.S. smartphone penetration was...
Fourth quarter data from Kantar Worldpanel ComTech asserts that the iPhone’s market share has grown across key markets, including the US,...
A year’s time seems much longer in the mobile space. It’s tough to believe that one year ago Samsung’s Galaxy S5 was still months away...
The state of mobile advertising is one of contrasts and imbalances according to Opera Mediaworks’ end of year report. It presents data...