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Report: Google+ & The +1 Button Are Seeing Gigantic Growth In The US

A new study release by Compete shows an explosive growth spurt of Google+1 and Google+ that started in October.  The study represents an whopping 2 million non-mobile users across the United States which equals 1% of overall US users.  Compete looked at the stats behind the subdomains to determine unique visitors, page views and attention for the new social networking features.

As of December Google+ has seen half of the unique visitors of Twitter (20,000,000 Google+ unique visits vs 40,411,065 Twitter unique visitors in December).  Since July, unique visitors have jumped by nearly 4x:

The subdomain saw tremendous growth as well.  During the month of October (labeled 40817 below) the usage took-off with approximately 60,000,000 visits in the month of December alone:

The stats from Compete back up a previous Google+ report from Hitwise.  For more information see the full Compete report.

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