In February, AddThis added $12-a-month, subscription-based Pro tools to its suite of content engagement and sharing widgets. Today, it’s launching an online marketplace to feature updated tools.
The marketplace will include a gallery of the company’s free and Pro tools, including sharing, following and content recommendation widgets. AddThis reports that its Pro recommendation widgets, which personalize suggesting content based on readers’ online behavior, can drive click-through rates that are more than 50% higher than those generated by its basic trending content recommendation tools.
Customers can update to the new versions of AddThis tools from the gallery without changing underlying code on their sites.
AddThis also has updated its analytics dashboard, which “now allows all registered users to easily see which of their website pages drives the most engagement as well as how website visitors interact with content through actions, such as sharing, following, liking, bookmarking, cutting/pasting URLs, emailing and printing.”
The company plans to open the marketplace to third-party app and widget developers later this year.
For more information, see the AddThis blog.